Monday, February 9, 2015

Here is my first official blog ever! It will be updated weekly and give you an idea of what I am up to while studying abroad in the Czech Republic. :) YAY

We have just recently received our itinerary for the next two and a half months!

March 10- I will be arriving in Prague with my parents

March 15- Everyone meets in Prague to travel to Olomouc, where we will be living

March 26/29- We travel to Prague and Dresden

April 7/10- We head to Vienna for three days and Venice for the next two

April 11/19- SPRING BREAK 2K15

May 8/10- We go to Krakow, Poland and Auschwitz

May 19/23- We travel to Bohemia

May 30- I departure in Prague to go back to the U.S.

We are allowed to travel freely on weekends that don't already have planned field trips for the whole class.

One more month, and I couldn't be more ready to go!

Stay tuned for more in March!